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British Island Airways (Mark II) 1982-1990

British Island Airways (Mark II) commenced operations in April 1982 with four second hand BAC One-Eleven 400s. The initial 400s were eventually supplemented with four second-hand 500 series One-Elevens as well as four brand-new McDonnell-Douglas MD-83s, which entered service during the second half of the 1980s.The company was both successful and profitable during it's tenure but sadly found the economic downturn in the late 1980s a huge challenge.The escalating jet fuel price and the collapse of the package tour market during the summer of 1989 resulted in a significant reduction in its passenger traffic. Sadly the company could no longer survive in such harsh trading conditions and on the 1st February 1990 the official receivers were called in. Operations ceased with almost immediate effect and within days the vast majority of the workforce had been made redundant.

2015 marked the 25th anniversary of the collapse of a company that provided many fond memories for those that were employed within. This website provides an opportunity to remember once again a company where many friends were made and good times enjoyed. Around 100 former employees attended a reunion in January 2015 indicating that some of the friendships and memories made over a quarter of a century ago still remain strong. A 30 year reunion which was to have taken place in June 2020 is now planned for summer 2022.

If anyone would like too add to this site with information or photographs for the memorabilia section please feel free to do so, the idea is to build up the site with memories from all past employee's. An e-mail address is available in the contact section of the website.